Basil's guestbook!
Basil gets a lot of visitors. Here's what some of them had to say! You can add your own comments as well.
From The Welshman:
- I miss Basil
Oi Basil, my prat of a previous owner sold me to some yobbo in Waterloo and now we'll never get to go offroading again.
...message added on 18/03/2004 at 11:07
From Patrick Bearman. Chatham Kent England:
- Keep em coming
Thank you for sharing your highs and lows with basil
I have had a wonderful sunday afternoon being with you.
You are a diamond geezer and i wish you all the best in your new enviroment
Best Regards.
...message added on 14/03/2004 at 08:55
From Lachlan Story:
- Nice to meet you
Hi. Nice to meet you and you're friend Basil. Basil has some relations here in Australia on my farm. 2x 80" 1 x 86" & 1 x 107 " S1's all going and on the road and a S2 Posthole Digger (Aussie Option) and a LWB factory s2 Tipper. Would be nice ro keep in touch jaguar@wimmera.com.au regards Lockie
...message added on 13/03/2004 at 16:18
From rob turner:
- searching for andrew breithaupt
i have seen photos of andrews hard top conversion of a 101 l/r forward control. i would really like to correspond with him about it if anyone knows his e-mail please send him mine
...message added on 17/12/2003 at 12:29
From Stephanie K.:
- great!
Good storys and pictures... i really enjoyed all your adventures from the Engineers
Pass trip!!!
...message added on 02/12/2003 at 12:33
From Bowman:
- Inspiration
I'm in MT and am having a series IIa sent up from southern califorina. Your site has me psyched to start working on it, and coming up with a name (tenatively "Tatanka"; buffalo - from "dances w/ wolves." I am hoping to take it on a ski tour in jan. 2004. Regards.
...message added on 20/11/2003 at 15:24
From Gerard List:
- Cool car; cool site :-)
Very nice website, I like the pictures!
Have a look at my site also
...message added on 13/11/2003 at 10:14
From Alvaro Castro COSTA RICA:
- I Think like You
I m working in my 66 L.R. So, I continues with similar steps like Yours: cluth, diferential, amortiguator, cool system, etc. But you make me take a new and important choose: I WILL NOT PAINT IT, because it is more natural and break with a style...OLD but with Breave
...message added on 04/11/2003 at 23:59
From ulpiano serna:
- friend
please write of Bogotá Colombia
dear friend
...message added on 16/09/2003 at 18:05
From Henrik:
- Hi from Denmark…
First of all, - what a ”nice Basil” you got! (And an excellent web site)! Since I “found” your site, I’ve been waiting for an update…. At last ; ) - keep it coming! Cheers, Henrik
...message added on 25/08/2003 at 12:58
From tony:
- need
i need a quality go kart frame that is less than 0.00 can anyone help me?
...message added on 17/08/2003 at 18:10
From Sean Grauer:
- Great Read
Good looking Rover, and a great read, lots to learn. Have fun and keep the updates coming
...message added on 15/08/2003 at 17:44
From mick:
- good on ya!!!
I got myself a 74 series 3 last year and haven't stopped working on it!!!!
I think the Mrs. is starting to get a bit shirty if you know what I mean anyhow basil's looking good keep up the good work great site regards mick
...message added on 04/08/2003 at 02:47
From Duncan Goodley:
- Respect from Skip the 72 sIII diesel
Top source of practical guidance for landy owners across the globe
Skips about to recive a new rear cross member same as basil
after Skip pulled away but the trailer & tow hitch stayed put!
loads done already loads still to do!
keep up the inspiration
Skip (nottingham uk)
...message added on 28/07/2003 at 17:09
From Frank Elson:
- congratulations
What a superb site. I hope you are suitably proud of Basil - you really should be.
Thanks for a good read.
...message added on 24/07/2003 at 18:50
From James:
- nice, really nice...
Super site! I love in the "work-in-progress" photos. A true landy lover! I'm just rebuilding my exMOD 109 S3 so I hope to put up a site like yours!!!
...message added on 19/07/2003 at 16:21
From Bruce (vette7t2@hotmail.com):
- great web site
What did you ever do about painting the inside of the frame? I am restoring a Corvette, and I have been trying to figure out how to do that.
...message added on 22/06/2003 at 23:01
From hi:
...message added on 01/06/2003 at 09:06
From Bill Ritchie:
- Great Site
Hey Keith,
Good to see you at SEMA in Vegas! Although I would have prefered to be wheelin' with you and Basil on the trails. Great site, nice narration on the teardown and build up (which always seems to be missing on these type of site). Keep up the good work, and see you on the trail.
...message added on 26/05/2003 at 18:57
From Xavier Gautier:
- great !
Hi ! I'm french, and I'm a student: i love land rovers and I'm planning to
buy a series II diesel: how much do you think it would cost me ? ( for me
: about 5000 euros ) The photos are splendid, gooood job .. and keep having
fun with it !
...message added on 19/02/2003 at 09:04
It's hard to say how much it will cost in the long run. Old Rovers might be
cheap to buy, but they don't necessarily stay that way...
From kolja (minime - 88 series 3 1979) from germany:
- beautiful!
Hi Keith,
compliments. you really get the spirit of series driving across in your stories - makes one want to leave the office, run home, start the series and just leave! If I ever come to the area I'll give you a call. Here it has been raining the past 4 months and there's no thinking of taking the roof down...
...message added on 16/01/2003 at 09:48
From steve:
- body support brackets
great site,learned a lot..rebuilding 67' 109"
just wondering where you picked up those body support
brackets for the rear tub ,im looking for the rear piece
...message added on 01/01/2003 at 05:12
I bought them at the OVLR Birthday Party swap meet. If you don't want to buy new ones, you'll have to start checking with your local pack rats - Keith
From Scott Shumaker:
- Greetings to Basil from Ganesh
A big HELLO from an ex-Colorado native (now living in Switzerland). Your hard
work on Basil has paid off: right? I drive a "newer" 1989 90"
named "Ganesh" (the Hindu elephant God who moves obstacles out of
the way) and can only say that I am very jealous that you get to tool around
in my ex-back yard. Nice site and good luck with Daddy.
...message added on 12/12/2002 at 08:57
From Paddy Kane:
- 65 rebuild
I am in the middle of my 1965 rebuild. It was purchased by my father in june
of 65. It is just like family. It's quite a bit of work, but well worth the
effort.Until it is done, I will have to be content with driving the 94 Disco.
...message added on 11/12/2002 at 21:23
From Michelle Toone:
- I had one
I had a 1957 right hand drive Land Rover. I loved it. Now I have a 1990 Miata. But the Landrover is in my heart forever!!
...message added on 05/12/2002 at 19:32
From Jason Alford:
Keith, Great job on Basil. Having become an owner of a similar Red Series
IIa 88" (1964), I fully understand the obsession that comes with Rovering.
Thanks for taking the time and effort to fully document your adventures. It
provides immeasurable inspiration for those of us who are still in the rebuild
...message added on 12/11/2002 at 14:31
From Greg H:
- Great site.
Great site, I'll be refering to it frequently over the next few months. I'm
starting my own frameover in much the same fashion. Liked the sliders, I had
a similar idea so I'll use yours for referance. Keep posting!!
...message added on 31/10/2002 at 16:06
From Sam:
- excellent site
I live in Australia and am researching a possible SIIa SWB project. Your site has me very enthusiastic about starting soon. I can't say I would like working in snowy conditions though.
...message added on 14/10/2002 at 22:14
From ross:
- great site mate
Gidday from Down Under,
Love your site, have spent hours looking at pics. etc.I have a 1979 ex army series 3 109 soft top. I use it on Fraser Island ( largest sand island in the world ) a lot, and intend to do a trip across the Simpson Desert in it in a couple of years. Good to see a Landy doing what it does best.
Ross Daniel.
...message added on 23/09/2002 at 22:21
From Ted Rose:
- caption amendment
Hi Keith;Really great site but you do have to make one small change to a caption.The
109sw at the farm has been bought by the shop(Land Rover Ottawa) for Andrew,Jason
and I to restore.So it may indeed have a future. Cheers,Ted. (done! Glad
to hear it - Keith)
...message added on 20/09/2002 at 06:32
From Steve Usher:
- Great Site! Great Rig!
Great Site! Nice Photos!
...message added on 17/09/2002 at 18:32
From Seth Matteson:
Great Page! I am undertaking a resto job and your site has given me some good insight.
...message added on 02/09/2002 at 21:26
From Walter Markey:
- Good little guy
My first car was a '63 88. Blue with safari roof, winch, spare tire mounts
on bonnet and rear door. I loved that little guy. Basils a good fellow too.
...message added on 28/08/2002 at 23:38
From Eric:
- What a Great WEBSITE!
Neat story! Good luck with your projects. I'll keep reading!
...message added on 22/08/2002 at 09:44
From Dan Alexander:
- Nice Site!
Have visited this site several times and each time I find something new, very good resource.
Dan Alexander
...message added on 02/08/2002 at 12:56
- http://get-me.to/james
...message added on 20/07/2002 at 09:41
From Ted:
- Time
Hey Keith,
If I had spare time to lend out....=]
Keep up the great work!
...message added on 26/06/2002 at 15:50
From Ken:
- Great site!
Like the photos of the expedition! The yellow S3 88" looks like mine
(minus the yellow, the shorter bonnet, and the happy old Jamaican in the back
- I'll have to make do with our South African gardeners :o)) Great site! Ps
check out: www.clik.to/offrover! Ken
...message added on 20/06/2002 at 12:56
From Christian Bylund:
- Landy
Hi, Im a proud Land Rover owner from Sweden. I really liked youre page. I have been surfing around here for about one houre now. Keep up the good work! And long live Land Rovers!
I drive a 1961 S2 or S2A 109 Pickup Diesel and i love it!!
...message added on 16/06/2002 at 16:49
From George:
- Wow
Hi Keith/Basil, You guys have been real busy since Moab in October! Basil
was unbelievable off-road (even before the frame-over) Congrats and long live
Basil! George P.S. Thanks again for the lifts and for makin' all the "paddies"
so Welcome ;-)
...message added on 12/06/2002 at 18:14
From Tom:
- Happy Anniversary Basil
April 26, 2002. One year ago today you were licenced in Ontario after a decade of retirement. It has been an eventful year! May you have many miles of happy motoring.
...message added on 26/04/2002 at 14:22
From Sean:
Looking good after the frame exchange and rewire.. ;) Makes me wish I had something big and lovable to work on.
...message added on 26/04/2002 at 11:26
From Rob MacCormick:
Hargh! On my rig, what started as a re-wire has been turned
into a meandering attack on all things rusty, leaky,
or otherwise suspect.....I have you to thank and my truck
has you to blame....Keep it up!! With Basil as inspiration we will
ride again...
Rob M Concord, MA USA
...message added on 26/03/2002 at 14:31
From Rick in Nova Scotia:
- Basil in Colorado
Hi Keith,
Just spent a delightful hour reading about Basil - and looking at the great photos. Congratulations on all the progress and learning experiences. Amazing what you have done in just a year!
Enjoy Colorado - a great place for off roading. I saw lots of off roader and bikers in the mountains north of Durango when I was there in 1998. If I were there I would install a roll bar on Basil - just to be on the safe side.
Your web site is still the best anywhere.
...message added on 11/03/2002 at 22:22
From Erik Mattson:
Read about Basil in LRW. I got the issue about 10 min after my father and
I finished putting a new tranny in my 1967 88" (ouch). Basil truly has
character, and it is a pleasure to see someone performing the repairs as they
are intended to be done. Rovers are the only trucks capable returning the
affection (or lack thereof) bestowed on them by their owners..
...message added on 11/03/2002 at 13:02
From Doccomoli:
- Happy Dirty Muddy B-Day
Well since I was there for the original moment that Basil (then known as the
nameless red Series 2A) and Keith began living together, helped out on numerous
occasions, and experienced the original, rather smokey maiden voyage around
the block, the awesome feeling of the open top Basil on the way to Keith's
(and consequently my) birthday, various layers of dirt, dust, sweat and yes
even a tiny bit of blood (I cut my finger a little once), through winter,
spring summer and a little bit of fall. Live and in person, or via pictures
on the net from miles away. I've appreciated Basil in nearly every possible
form. And I can't wait to raise my glass to Basil MK2. Truly, on this, the
1 year and 1 day anniversary of Basil entering our lives, I wish a hearty
and happy birthday. And I miss him a great deal (oh ya. And his owner too!).
Take care Basil. Hit the mud ASAP.
...message added on 04/03/2002 at 20:15
From Tom:
- A Year in the Life of Basil
Out of the barn, back on the road, off to Colorado, onto the pages of Land
Rover World, and now reborn.... May the next year be great fun, but perhaps
a little less "interesting" (as in the Chinese curse: "May
you live in interesting times."
...message added on 04/03/2002 at 17:24
From Lionel Hahijary, Indonesia:
Superb job! I wish you many happy off road years with yr new Basil.
...message added on 04/03/2002 at 02:27
From Paul Schultz:
You've really transformed Basil into a great LR. Your website has been fascinating and informative. Keep posting pics! Thanks!
...message added on 03/03/2002 at 23:12
From Andrea:
- Viva le land!
Splendido Sito, splendida macchina! (e adesso trova qualcuno che traduca...
:-)) Andrea "The leaning 109" from Pisa"
...message added on 28/02/2002 at 06:19
From germain vezina:
- salut Basil
Bonjour Basil! Nous avons appris ton existence seulement hier soir a une reunion au Centre Communautaire du Glebe par le pere de Keith. Si jamais le plan de circulation est applique, tu auras une vraie course a obstacles a defier. Sais-tu que Basile etait un celebre personnage de la TV a Radio-canada joue par Olivier Guimont actuellement decede ? Meilleurs voeux de longue vie heureuse et securitaire pour tes occupants et tous ceux que tu croiseras sur ton chemin. Allez, Bonne route.
...message added on 27/02/2002 at 20:58
From Laoourrra!:
- Oh! frame for sale
So how much for that frame? I'll be by next week to take a look at it ;oP
...message added on 27/02/2002 at 16:41
From Peter Hoffman:
I hope that Basil doesn't lose it's unique smell from the well aged interior.
That was the unique thing I remember from it when I saw it in your driveway
in Ottawa.
...message added on 26/02/2002 at 12:22
From '67 dorkmobile:
- Basil/keith
your site is an ispiration for my owner who has ripped my
wiring from me and left me dead in the garage. He seems to
developed great skill at drinking beer but as for re-wiring me
have doubts - please continue to provide inpiration so that I
may live again.
...message added on 25/02/2002 at 09:21
From Jan Suurholma:
- Great site! (landys......mmmmm!)
...message added on 25/02/2002 at 03:12
From Brian:
- great site
As someone who bought his first land rover, a '67 88, back in September, I
really enjoy your site. Especially since mine has to get a new frame this
spring too! Am looking forward to seeing how yours comes out in the hope that
mine will be as easy as yours looks so far (all car restorations are a piece
of cake, right?!) good luck!
...message added on 25/02/2002 at 01:03
From Laooouurrra!:
- Woahah - Basil's lookin Fine
I just took a look at your updated webpage, Basil has sure improved a lot since I last saw him - likin the frame and that wiring wooohah!
...message added on 23/02/2002 at 17:19
From Jeff Bieler:
- I don't know how you do it...
I couldn't stand having my IIA down for this long. Any downtime longer then
a weekend causes anxiety, stress, loss of hair, and general cankiness. Good
luck. I am enjoying watching your progress.
...message added on 22/02/2002 at 12:33
From Kylie :
- Land Rover World
Hi Basil and Keith - Loved the article and photos in Land Rover World. I do hope Basil recovers from his many surgeries soon so he can enjoy the spring mud.
...message added on 18/02/2002 at 10:49
From Laura:
- Get yourself together, Basil. You have to meet me at the train station
in June!
...message added on 13/02/2002 at 10:22
From Keith Elliott:
- I'm still following Basil's life. Keep the updates coming Keith. ;)
...message added on 12/02/2002 at 14:21
From Doccorama:
- More Doc, Less Rocks
I feel, as a faithful viewer of Keith's Page de Home that it is a fine website.
I enjoy the Basil updates especially. But I feel that your friend Doc needs
more credit for his early work on the truck. Or at least, a mention of how,
his expert brake pedal pumping contributed to the stopability of Basil. Or,
you could just keep doing what you're doing. Your call.
...message added on 10/02/2002 at 21:10
Note from Keith: Yes, Doc did help greatly with both moral support and endless
pedal pumping. You can see him posing with Basil in the Homecoming section
of the site. He also took a number of the early photos, including some of
my favorites.
From s hardcastle:
- re: basil
well i must say you've got balls takeing on a job like basil,but hey well
done you,must of spent 3 to 4 hours on your site and all i can say is 11/10
i drive a turbo diesel 90 myself but i did start off with a s11a many years
ago,and to be honest i had a lot more fun in that than i do in this one,take
care mate & keep having fun regurds to basil :)
...message added on 10/02/2002 at 11:19
From Shannon Lee Mannion:
- Music!
Hey Keith, I didn't know that you and Basil are musical, as per your home
page that says that you are a trained music teacher. What sort of music do
you play to amuse and soothe that old truck? I like your mix of the vintage
and need I say, classic '67 LR and the new, that is, your racing Miata. And
hey, great job you're doing as production editor of the Ottawa Valley Land
Rover newsletter. Good working with you.
...message added on 09/02/2002 at 21:15
From Jerry Reuter:
- Cool project
Old friends are best friends.
...message added on 08/02/2002 at 06:10
From The Guy in one of the pictures:
- Great site dude
...message added on 07/02/2002 at 13:38
From Phil:
- just read the article...
Fame at last! Great articles; good pix and writing... Best of luck on the
build up, please don't re-spray the body, Basil looks great all weathered,
a true Landie!
...message added on 07/02/2002 at 12:41
From Jerome Hayes:
- Frameover Is Right On
That new frame is smooth, tough and black! Damn right.
...message added on 07/02/2002 at 09:42
From Lionel Hahijary (SIIA-109"-3D) - Indonesia:
- Your adventures with Basil are envied over here.
...message added on 07/02/2002 at 02:45
From Ike Goss
- (via email)
I really like your truck. Its a great looking
From Jean-Leon Morin
- (via email)
...I have to admit your rover is probably one of the nicest I have EVER seen. I'm actually quite jealous of its paint job, I wish I came across a 109 3 door with such a perfectly series-like paint job.
From John Bernat
- (via email)
I really enjoyed your adventures with the Land Rover. The pics from your engineers pass trip were just great. Some guys have all the fun!
Leave a message for B