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 | December 31, 2008 - On a different note, here's a peek at the difference between a Corvette throttle body and a stripped-out Camaro one. The Corvette (top) uses drive-by-wire and is significantly larger. entry 112 - tags: engine |
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 | January 1, 2009 - Before I start cutting and welding the car, we need to make it a bit more flammable. Janel wandered into the garage and helped me pull the dashboard. We had a lot of fun trying to decipher the workshop manual instructions. Here, she's trying to find the invisible bolts holding it together. entry 113 - tags: interior, janel |
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 | January 1, 2009 - The dash is almost out. I just need to label the wiring and we can disconnect it. Due to the poor paint job on the dash, we're going to make it black again. The whole interior of the car was painted tan - and with a fairly good job. But at least one of the panels seems to be stock, so hopefully there's a stock equivalent. The door panels are rather wavy.
The dash is going back to black, as the paint job on it is poor. It also needs some repair as can be seen. The choices are to try to patch it up and then respray the dash, buy a $50 top bit to cover it up, or install a $300 dash. We'll see what wins - I'll probably start with option A and see how that turns out. entry 114 - tags: interior, dash |
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 | January 1, 2009 - Whenever disassembling a car to this extent, always bag and label parts. Who knows how long it will be before it gets reassembled?
The number of fasteners involved in the glovebox was amazing. entry 115 - tags: interior, tips |
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 | January 1, 2009 - The dash is out and disassembled. Not all of these gauges will get reused, and the mechanical speedometer is liable to be quite problematic with the T56. I love the look of the vintage Smiths gauges, and I'm tempted to open up the speedo and stuff the electronic guts from the Camaro inside. That's a future project though. entry 116 - tags: instruments |
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 | January 1, 2009 - It was fun figuring out how to disassemble the dash. To remove a few of the knobs, you have to push down a little spring-loaded button. Pretty clever, actually. At least, once you've figured it out. Until that point, it's maddening.
I managed to get everything apart with no breakage. entry 117 |
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 | January 1, 2009 - This octopus was under the dash. It's the evaporator/distribution box for the air conditioning. I'm tempted to keep it and add AC into the car later, although it'll add a fair bit of expense and make keeping the engine cool a little more difficult. So it's on the shelf for now. entry 118 - tags: HVAC |
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 | January 1, 2009 - Naked MG! Janel and I attacked the car this afternoon and stripped it right down. Now that this is done, it's time to start the real modification. We did discover that while many of the panels in the car were painted, the seat upholstery was not. So it looks as if we do have a color match to an MG color. Based on the catalogs, I'm guessing "honey tan". We'll probably duplicate a couple of the panels if we can find some vinyl, as a few are a bit banged up.
The size of the fasteners holding the seats down was a little spooky - they're about 1/3 the size of the ones used in a Miata. entry 119 - tags: interior |
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 | January 1, 2009 - Now, the big question. How's the rust? Despite the appearance in this picture, it's actually looking really good. You're looking at some of the carpet underpad stuck to the floor, for one thing.
There was some surface crust on the transmission tunnel on the passenger's side - displayed here - that I suspect was related to the AC. But all that metal will likely be replaced anyhow, and it showed no signs of weakness under a screwdriver attack.
The side sills also look solid under the vinyl cover on first inspection. I'll hit them with a Scotchbrite wheel and make sure. The floorboards have an asphalt matting on them from the factory that could hide any sins, but it's not showing any sort of cracking or distress that I associate with the eruption of rust underneath. A good inspection from under the car confirms this.
I think this car is as solid as it appears. entry 120 - tags: rust |
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January 1, 2009 - I drove the Camaro just a bit over the holidays. I also managed to get it stranded at work during a good snowstorm. Dunlop D60 A2s aren't great snow tires. But it's been useful.
First off, I can't wait to liberate this engine from the Camaro. Let's just say that I'm not enamored with the chassis.
Secondly, it's allowed me to identify a couple of little problems. The shifter needs adjusting, I know that. But there was a check engine light on. A bit of monitoring with an OBD-II scanner tells me that the coolant temperature sensor is reading a constant -58F, which I'm pretty sure is not accurate. I suspect that's a "no signal" reading. I'll probably deal with that when the engine is out of the car. entry 121 - tags: camaro |
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 | January 3, 2009 - Now that I've figured out how I'm going to deal with the front suspension, it's time to get cracking. Lots of measuring and calculating and general head-scratching, and it culminated in this. The donation of control arm brackets (with alignment capabilities) by a stock Miata subframe. The sawzall got a real workout today. That's foreshadowing! entry 122 - tags: suspension |
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 | January 3, 2009 - I've decided the best way to run the rails is just inboard of the stock ones. That'll let me run them back to the middle of the car (where the stock ones stop) and tie them in together. More strength for the car!
This puts the outside edges of the rails 570 mm apart. To put the brackets in the correct place, they need to be 38.5mm at this dimension. Not bad for cutting with a relatively blunt instrument, no? I'll clean them up a bit on a belt sander before welding. The dimension isn't critical to the half millimeter (0.020" for those who speak the old language) because there's a significant amount of adjustment room in the control arms - but it's good to be fairly accurate here if possible. I'd hate to run out of adjustment for the alignment. entry 123 - tags: suspension |
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 | January 3, 2009 - A view of the bracket on the new frame rail. The new rails are 2x3" 18 gauge, which is significantly bigger than the stock stuff. Fair enough, there's a lot more running through them! I'll have lateral bracing wherever I can fit it, as well as a bit of vertical to stiffen things up.
After much measuring and poking around and measuring, it turns out that the correct height for the control arms is serendipitously right in the middle of the frame rail. I played around with heights ranging up and down a couple of inches, and this puts them 7" from ground level. That's 1" higher than the ones on Janel's slightly lowered Miata, making the geometry just about a perfect match for a stock Miata. entry 124 - tags: suspension, ride height |
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 | January 3, 2009 - The brackets for the front control arm pivot point aren't as conveniently designed to be cut off as the rears are, and the bushing is wider. So I took a rear one and cut it in half. Yes, I'll need another Miata subframe to supply me with enough raw material, but that's not a big problem for me. entry 125 - tags: suspension |
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 | January 3, 2009 - Janel wandered into the garage and immediately got bored with all of my careful measuring and figuring. She was not thrilled by my demonstration on how the control arm would mount to the frame rail. She wanted to see big dramatic changes.
So I handed her the sawzall. entry 126 - tags: destruction, Janel |
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 | January 3, 2009 - And out comes part of the engine bay. We cut the frame rail off at the firewall and again at the factory radiator support. A big chunk of inner fender was removed as well. More will come out later, but this is a good start. And it was dramatic enough to keep Janel happy. entry 127 - tags: destruction, frame |
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 | January 3, 2009 - With the frame rails out of the way, we did an engine test fit. It's the first time I've dropped the engine in with a throttle body. And this is pretty much the correct location for it. I just need to check my driveshaft angle and I think it'll move back approximately an inch, but everything works well. The shifter comes out in the stock position and most of the engine is behind the wheel line - marked here with blue tape. entry 128 - tags: engine, fitment |
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 | January 3, 2009 - Here's a view of the engine height. At my planned ride height, I'll have about 5" of air under the bottom of the pan. It's only going to protrude about 3/4" below the stock frame rails. More importantly, I'll also have it nicely protected. And you can't see it in this picture, but the hood is on and latched!
It'll fit without body modifications! entry 129 - tags: engine, fitment |
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 | January 4, 2009 - Now I feel like I'm making some progress. It's no world-changing piece of fabrication, but the lower control arm mounting points are in place on one of the frame rails. This is the first constructive step of the project, everything else has either been preparation or destruction. A few more of these sorts of changes and the car will be ready to drive! entry 130 - tags: suspension |
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 | January 9, 2009 - Time to build the brackets for the upper control arm. Step one, get my hands on a front subframe that doesn't have the rear mounts hacked off. Oops! Luckily, there was one in the metal dumpster at Flyin' Miata.
Step two, build a jig to locate the upper control arm mounting points in space. This isn't exactly a production quality jig, but it'll do for a one-off. It's accurate, which I tested by removing and replacing the stock piece a few times. A couple more pieces were added after this picture was taken, but you get the idea. entry 131 - tags: suspension, frame, jig |
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